Tracing People and Assets
Templeman has a proven track record in services that involve the tracing of people and assets. This includes people who don’t want to be found, including those who have come to New Zealand from abroad and those living under a new identity.
Many members of our team, including Templeman’s founder, have a background in the police, so we have extensive skills and capabilities as well as good working relationships with the authorities. This expertise has resulted in significant success locating both hard to find people and hidden assets in New Zealand and in other countries.
Practical Examples
- Wanted sex offender – Templeman was tasked by a client to find a sex offender wanted by the FBI in the US. The individual was living in hiding in New Zealand under a new identity, but we tracked the person down and then worked with the police. The person was then arrested and extradited back to the United States.
- Prison escapee – in this case, we were asked to trace an individual who had escaped from a prison in the UK. This person had access to large amounts of money from a significant fraud operation and was living in New Zealand under a false identity. We also tracked this person down and notified the police with the end result being another extradition, this time back to the UK.
Get in Touch
To discuss your specific requirements for people and asset tracing services, and to help us assess your situation, get in touch with us today.
For additional
questions, contact
one of our agents.
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+64 9 272 4090
Get in touch with us
Email Mark Direct